How we influence far and wide

Corporate Dojo's distinctive philosophies and approach to enhancing people leadership regularly attracts the attention of key media outlets seeking an expert opinion. Here are just some of them:

Information for Individuals

Sometimes your skillset works against you. It's common to see people who have held senior positions in the past now struggling to get another one, even a few rungs down the ladder. 

Recording of Karen Gately's weekly radio segment with Power FM - The Power Pack. Monday mornings at 7.30am.

We all make mistakes, but mistakes in recruitment can be costly. Here's how you can avoid some common ones.

Recording of Karen Gately's weekly radio segment with Power FM - The Power Pack. Monday mornings at 7.30am.

The ways in which work affects our mental health and wellbeing are complex and varied. What research consistently reveals is that work can be immensely beneficial but also harmful to our mental health, and in turn to our physical wellbeing and quality of life.

Recording of Karen's weekly radio segment on PowerFM - The Power Pack. Monday mornings at 7.30am.

Recording of Karen's weekly radio segment on Power FM - The Power Pack. Monday mornings at 7.30am.


How to nuture business growth through team bonding? The strength of a team's spirit undeniably influences the standard of performance they are able to achieve, including in reaching ambitious growth targets.

If you're one of the nearly five million Australians that suffers from stress, perhaps it's time to KonMari your brain! #9Today

What are the signs I need a mental health day? I need a mental health day. What do I say? What should I do on a mental health day?

Recording of Karen's weekly radio segment on Power FM - The Power Pack. Monday mornings at 7.30am.

The #metoo movement left organisations around the world scrambling to update their sexual harassment policies. Now nearly two years later, executives are still trying to forge the right regulations. We take a look at some of the good, the bad and the ugly policies that have sprung up since, and the motivations behind them.

Navigating a relationship with a boss who you suspect may be a bully is difficult at the best of times. It can lead to psychological and physical stress.

Recording of Karen Gately's interview on The Today Show.

Recording of Karen Gately's weekly radio segment on Power FM - The Power Pack. Monday mornings at 7.30am.

Australia’s gender pay gap is currently at 14.1%. Women have found that their pay and conditions are different to men doing the same job as them.

Recording of Karen Gately's radio interview on 5MU.

It's time to get back to work after a relaxing holiday, but hundreds, if not thousands, of emails await you. Sure, carrying out a bulk delete is a quick way to deal with excessive emails, but is it the best way?

Recording of Karen's weekly radio segment on Power FM - The Power Pack. Monday mornings at 7.30am.

The way individuals are treated by their boss impacts both wellbeing and the chanceof career success. 

Are you inspiring people to make choices to enable them to think, feel and behave in ways that allow them to be at their best?

Recording of Karen's weekly radio segment on Power FM - The Power Pack. Monday mornings at 7.30am.

Investing your pay rise in yourself may pay off again next year.

Women returning to work from maternity leave are often asked lots of ridiculous sexist questions, often from other women!