Giving yourself the best chance of success each day

Giving yourself the best chance of success each day

Success doesn’t come easily.  No matter much it might seem like some people have it lucky and seem to achieve everything they want to, the simple reality is everyone needs to do the work needed to land in the places that they want to.   

All too often people focus on the end game. Of course, having dreams and aspirations is an important starting point, but once you’ve decided what success look like to you, the key to realizing that potential comes down to the choices you make in each moment of each day.  

A successful day starts with choosing deliberate mindsets, behaviours and actions.  Reflect on how often you get out of bed and decide to give the day your best shot. 

Choosing to strive is step one on the path to self-mastery and achievement.   

Set clear intentions based on what you can reasonably expect to achieve.  Being ambitious matters, but unrealistic goals is setting yourself up to fail before you’ve even begun. 

Accept there are only so many hours in each day and decide what your priorities need to be.  

Contemplate what you will leave you feeling that you’ve made progress.  If you have longer term goals, choose one thing each day that will help you move in that direction.  Break down your big goals into smaller steps that you can choose to take.   

Make promises to yourself about the actions you will take, the conversations you will have or the behaviours you will make first order priority.  For example, setting an intention to be focused can make a big difference to your ability to remove unnecessary distractions and avoid the temptation to invest energy or time on things that ultimately don’t matter.  

Remember to be kind to yourself and recognise that not every day will be perfect.  You will inevitably come across roadblocks or challenges that will at times be challenging to overcome.  

You will no doubt have moments when despite your best intentions you fail to follow through and live your best day.  Just choose to get back on the horse and keep riding toward your destination.