eLearning Courses

Fast track leadership development with our constantly growing eLearning library. Learn at your own pace, anytime, anywhere.

Be Sensei
Manage Performance
$150.00 +GST

Unlock the potential in your team by being the leader you need to be.

Design Jobs Well
Hire Great People
$99.00 +GST

Recruitment success starts with having a clear view of the role and precisely the outcomes you want the incumbent to achieve.

Difficult Conversations
Powerful Conversations
$99.00 +GST

Engaging in powerful conversations that allow you to move past difficult, sensitive and awkward issues.

Find Great Candidates
Hire Great People
$99.00 +GST

Find the best possible candidates for each role by searching in the right places.

Be Awesome
Self Mastery Library
$150.00 +GST

Maintain balance, connect with your purpose and feel fulfilled