
From leadership and company culture to self-improvement and current affairs, our blog offers practical tips and advice to help you learn and grow.  

Discover how to become a more effective leader, build a thriving team, and achieve your ambitions.  Among other things our blogs can help you to:

  • Discover how to build trust, create a healthy workplace culture, and keep your employees engaged.
  • Develop a positive mindset,   cultivate resilience, build confidence, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Karen writes about things that inspire her in a hope they will inspire you too.  Ultimately she’s strive to help you to become a more effective leader, a successful individual, and a well-rounded citizen of the world.

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2 Things That Make the Biggest Difference When It Comes to Building a Cohesive Team

2 Things That Make the Biggest Difference When It Comes to Building a Cohesive Team

Great teams are always cohesive and united in their pursuit of common goals. The strength and extent of interpersonal connection existing among the members of a group is the biggest indicator of whether a group is likely to succeed together.   

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Enabling Beliefs

Enabling Beliefs

Reflect for a moment on the ways in which the beliefs you hold influence the choices you make in life, including at work.  Do the things you believe about your capabilities inspire you to step forward and take on new challenges, or do they hold you back?  How often do you allow limiting beliefs to cause you to hesitate to give things a go or speak up with confidence?   

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