Episode 12: Mental Health and Connection

Episode 12: Mental Health and Connection

Karen and Maddie were joined by the creators of Mind You, Liv Downing and Caroline Weinstein to chat all things mental health. 

Liv and Caroline are both psychologists and they have come together to create the holistic mental health program, Mind You. They are the perfect people for our mental health special episode. 

Liv and Caroline tell us the story of how they met, and became passionate about mental health. 

They then discuss connection at work: 

  • Why is connection important at work? How can it impact performance? 

  • What are some ways workplaces can build connection in their teams? 

  • Psychological safety in the workplace most important to culture

  • Human element at work

Liv also shares with our listeners why we should hug for 30 seconds.

Karen asked, tell us a bit a about the program you have designed and built, why do you think organisations need it? 

To check out their Mind You program. Click here!