In the Media
Engage with our thought leadership through published articles, radio interviews, and TV appearances.
How do you explain to a member of your team that they have body odour?
From the inexperienced to the downright unpleasant – bosses can be bad for a myriad of reasons.
Talking about an employee’s poor personal hygiene is never an easy conversation, but you need to push through your discomfort for everyone’s sake.
Yes it’s official, your boss is a narcissist.
Bullying in the workplace is never OK, but it is a reality for many. The experience can have a detrimental impact on health and wellbeing and may be related to long-term negative impacts.
The inclusive pronoun movement has reached the workplace with employees encouraged to learn the new lingo to show support. Inclusive pronouns are still new to many, so how can workers navigate this in the workplace?
The inclusive pronoun movement has reached the workplace with employees encouraged to learn the new lingo to show support. Online profiles are including labels so professionals can be their true self at work.
Apprentices all over the country are coming forward with allegations of bullying, harassment, wage theft, safety issues and abuse.

“You will have a heart attack”: age discrimination against jobseeker costs employer
Article · 12-Apr-2021
A 61-year-old man was appalled when an employer laughed at him and said he was "too old" when he enquired about a job and claims age discrimination.
Ahron Young and Karen Gately chat about how to tackle workplace bullying.
Karen writes candidly about her mental health battles in light of R U OK day.
On the show today we’ll be talking about bullies. We’ll be exploring how to recognise and address bullying in the workplace.
You can skill up on having difficult conversations in the workplace with newly released courses at
Karen Gately admits she found the intial memes involving her name quite hilarous, but she wonders if the joke has gone too far.
On the show today we will be exploring where the line is between innocent banter and workplace bullying.
How can our conduct online effect our employment? What do we need to be careful of?
In this unstable working time due to COVID-19, is there a big risk associated with speaking up?
What to say (and what NOT to say) in the workplace. It matters!
It's sad but true that some people choose to behave in ways that are destrucive to not only their colleague's success but also health and happiness.
Leading by example is the first step in minimising the impact of workplace harassment.
Over 15 million people in Australia and New Zealand say discrimination is still an issue in their workplace.
Recording of Karen Gately's weekly radio segment with Power FM - The Power Pack. Monday mornings at 7.30am.
Stamping out workplace bullying has to be a leader-led initiative, but executives are largely escaping HR's attention.
The #metoo movement left organisations around the world scrambling to update their sexual harassment policies. Now nearly two years later, executives are still trying to forge the right regulations. We take a look at some of the good, the bad and the ugly policies that have sprung up since, and the motivations behind them.