Corporate Dojo's distinctive philosophies and approach to enhancing people leadership regularly attracts the attention of key media outlets seeking an expert opinion. Here are just some of them:

Karen Gately joins Jonathon Kendall to share insights on personality hire and its importance in the workplace.

In today’s fast-paced world inundated with endless choices, mastering decision-making has become an essential skill.

How do you explain to a member of your team that they have body odour?

Karen Gately joins Lisa Leong on ABC Sundays to chat about Christmas parties. 

To keep abreast of the staff-shortage crisis, retailers need to invest in their most valuable asset: current employees.

Karen Gately has seen some horror behaviour from employees who have exited a business.

Have you considered offering pay rises to your staff to reflect the rise in inflation?

Many young Americans now have fewer rights than their mothers did at their age, due to the overturning of Roe v Wade.

Picture this: you're minding your own business when your phone starts ringing. Why is someone calling, and why don't they just text? How dare they.

We’ve been living through the greatest workplace disruption in generations.

Talking about an employee’s poor personal hygiene is never an easy conversation, but you need to push through your discomfort for everyone’s sake. 

The job market is rapidly shrinking for unvaccinated Australians, with more businesses only accepting applications from jobseekers who are double dosed against Covid-19.

The performance of most people at work is influenced by the extent to which they feel acknowledged and appreciated.

With many experts predicting that we’re heading into ‘The Great Resignation’, the last thing employers need is for their people to be rage quitting. Here’s how HR can prevent it.

Sometimes, a disgruntled employee who is let go might seek revenge by exposing inner secrets of the organisation. 

It's a 'legal minefield'.

When Sheryl Sandberg announced the introduction of sponsored egg freezing at Facebook in 2014, some criticised the move as a ploy to drive women to delay motherhood until it suited the business.

If there are any lessons to come out of our experience with COVID, it’s how we’ve learnt to adapt to change.

Part of a manager’s job is to chat with individual staff members about their performance or behaviour.

Bullying in the workplace is never OK, but it is a reality for many. The experience can have a detrimental impact on health and wellbeing and may be related to long-term negative impacts.

The inclusive pronoun movement has reached the workplace with employees encouraged to learn the new lingo to show support. Inclusive pronouns are still new to many, so how can workers navigate this in the workplace?

The inclusive pronoun movement has reached the workplace with employees encouraged to learn the new lingo to show support. Online profiles are including labels so professionals can be their true self at work.

Apprentices all over the country are coming forward with allegations of bullying, harassment, wage theft, safety issues and abuse.